We’re delighted to announce that following the success of our 2022 ‘Charity of the Year’ we are now seeking a Charity to support over 2023.
As a local business we want to give you the opportunity to nominate and vote for the charity that you would like to see our support go to over the year.
To get our charity of the year we are asking you to nominate, via either of our social channels listed below, by tagging, or naming, your charity of choice in the comments (limited to one nomination per person).
The only stipulation for nominations is that the charity MUST be local, within a 3-mile radius of Cambridge.
In order to be fair, we will be asking for nominations across all of our social channels, and this will end 10am 30th November 2022.
Following this, there will be a further voting opportunity when we have narrowed the most suitable and popular down to a final three. In early December we will then announce our charity of the year 2023, as voted by you.
So far over 2022, we have raised an incredible £17,903.90 for Arthur Rank Hospice and by the end of the year we hope to exceed £20,000.
Please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT, so that we can reach as many people as possible and ultimately help a charity close to the heart of our community.
* within a 3-mile radius of Cambridge
**nominations limited to one per person, per social channel
***charity of the year 2023 will be 0.5% of all bookings via our app and paid by card and is limited to a maximum donation of £25,000.
Click here for full T&Cs: https://www.panthertaxis.co.uk/charity-of-the-year
2 Responses
Andrea Constable
Can I nominate Aspire at Romsey Mill please? We’ve really benefited from this charity who fully understand how Autism works & can help
& support young people socially.
Dr Ges Gregory, consultant Paediatirican
I nominate our Head to Toe Charity – Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS foundation Trust – they do use the money to fund a wide range of projects to support needs of the population within our trust that supports mental health needs across all age groups. I work with children at the child development centre and our children have benefitted from the huge improvements in our clinic settings – the environment is much friendlier, more engaging and stimulating and this has such a positive effect on emotional wellbeing and ultimately mental health of the children, carers, families and staff. There is much more to be done so your support would be amazing –
Thank you!