Panther Taxis Fare Guide
Maximum rate of charges from 1st October 2024
Fares are calculated within our operational area by distance or time. The meter must only be switched on when you enter the vehicle, or have been notified the vehicle is already at the agreed pick-up point.
Start rate includes initial 1408 yards (1287 Meters) or part thereof £6.50
Per mile thereafter* £2.05
Waiting time will be charged when the vehicle is motionless or when it is travelling below 10.77 mph £0.20
For each period or part thereof 36 seconds £0.20
Start rate includes initial distance shown above or part thereof £0.20
For each subsequent 171 yards (156 metres) £0.20
- For each journey with 5 or more passengers travelling in the vehicle £3.50
- Bicycles not able to be put in the luggage compartment of the vehicle £1.50
- Soiling charge – vehicle unfit to continue working £100.00
- Fuel Surcharge – Applicable when BEIS diesel exceeds 179.9p nationally £0.40
*Please note: All fares are subject to change. The fares shown are standard maximum rates. During peak times, such as November, December, Christmas, and special events, additional charges may apply. Please refer to our terms and conditions.
Complaints about the vehicle or driver should be made to:
Cambridge City Council
Yvonne O’Donnell
Environmental Health Manager
PO Box 700
Cambridge CB1 0JH
01223 457888
South Cambridgeshire District Council,
Licensing Officer
Cambourne Business Park
Cambridge CB23 6EA
0345 450063